Is Crew 2 Crossplay?

Crew 2

In today’s interconnected world, the ability to play games across various platforms is increasingly popular. Multiplayer gaming has evolved from LAN connections to global servers, but a question lingers for many gamers: Can I play with my friend who owns a different console? 

In this article, we delve into whether “The Crew 2” offers crossplay capabilities in 2023. Let’s find out!

What is Crew 2?

Crew 2

The Crew 2 is a video racing game that was launched in 2018. It was developed by Ivory Tower and published by Ubisoft. The game is available on PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One, and Google Stadia. 

In The Crew 2, you get to explore a big open world. This world is a smaller version of the whole United States. What’s fantastic about it is that it stays active all the time, even when you’re not playing. You’re not limited to driving cars but can also ride motorcycles, fly airplanes, and sail boats.

In the game, you play as a racer who wants to improve and win in different races. These aren’t just regular car races. You’ll compete in various ways, like off-road racing, street racing, pro racing, and even doing cool tricks in what’s called “free-style.”

The game has different controls for each type of vehicle. So, flying an airplane feels different from driving a car or steering a boat. You can quickly switch between these vehicles anytime you want. This makes the game exciting because you’re able to do more than just one thing.

The Crew 2 is divided into four main areas, or “hub worlds.” Each area has its special focus. You can play this game with your friends in teams, which the game calls “crews.” There’s also a mode where you can play together in the same events, except for the big “boss” events. If you don’t want to play with other people, you can also play alone, competing against computer-controlled players.

Is Crew 2 Crossplay?

The straightforward answer is no. While the game is available on multiple platforms like Windows PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Stadia, it does not allow for cross-platform gameplay. This means if you’re on a PC, you can’t match up with your friend who uses a PS4. It’s a limitation that has sparked much discussion among gamers.

However, online play is still an option, but there’s a little challenge. You can only team up with players who have the same gaming device as you. So, if you’re on a PS4, you can play with another PS4 user. But you can’t play with someone using an Xbox or a PC. This restriction limits your options and freedom to play with a broader range of people.

Even though the game has an online multiplayer mode, you can only join up with your friends if they’re on the same platform. You miss out on meeting new players with different skills and abilities.

Also Check Out: Is Far Cry 6 Cross-Platform?

Is Crew 2 Cross-Platform Between PC And Xbox One?

Crew 2

If you’re wondering whether “The Crew 2” allows gameplay between PC and Xbox One users, you’re out of luck. Currently, there is no support for cross-platform play between these two. 

Each player is restricted to engaging with others on the same platform. This limits the number of people you can compete with or team up with. Sadly, this makes it hard for the game to create a big and diverse community of players.

Is Crew 2 Crossplay Between PC And PS4/PS5?

No. If you own “The Crew 2” on a PC, you cannot race against a friend who owns the game on PS4 or PS5. While online multiplayer gameplay is available, the lack of crossplay support narrows down the pool of available players. It’s a feature many gamers have been calling for, especially given the game’s emphasis on cooperative and multiplayer modes.

Is Crew 2 Crossplay PS4/PS5 and Xbox One?

Crew 2

Nope, If you’re on PS4 or PS5 and want to play with someone on Xbox One, you can’t. The game doesn’t support cross-platform play between these consoles. 

So, the PS4/PS5 player cannot connect with an Xbox One player for a gaming session. Unfortunately, it’s a divide that exists despite the global nature of multiplayer online gaming today.

Is Crew 2 Cross-Platform Between PS4 and PS5?

It’s important to clarify that while crossplay is not supported between different types of platforms, players can still enjoy games between the same family of consoles. 

So, if you own a PS4 and your friend has a PS5, you’re in luck. Thanks to the backward compatibility between these two Sony platforms, you can still compete or collaborate.

Is Crew 2 Crossplay On Xbox One And Xbox Series X/S?

Crew 2

Similarly, cross-platform play is supported within the Xbox family of consoles. Xbox One players can easily play with those on the Xbox Series X/S. This is possible because of the backward compatibility features integrated into the Xbox ecosystem.

Read More: Is Battlefield 2042 Cross Platform?


So, The Crew 2″ is a fantastic game, packed with features, modes, and a wide array of vehicles to suit every player’s preference. However, when it comes to cross-platform play, it’s stuck in the pit stop. This lack of support is disappointing in an era where crossplay is almost becoming standard. Until the game developers decide to integrate this feature, players are restricted to gaming with friends who own the same platform. It’s a limitation, but if you can overlook this, “The Crew 2” still offers an engaging and expansive world for racing enthusiasts.


1. Is Crew 2 available on Nintendo Switch?

No, “The Crew 2” is not available on Nintendo Switch.

2. Can I upgrade from PS4 to PS5?

Yes, Crew 2 offers backward compatibility, allowing you to play your PS4 version on PS5.

3. Does Crew 2 support cross-save?

The game does not support cross-save features.

4. What are the benefits of cross-platform?

Cross-platform play eliminates the need to buy multiple consoles to play with friends. Plus, switching accounts between platforms is unnecessary; you can use the same account on any device. And you can participate in global tournaments against players on any device without limitations.